Friday, November 9, 2012

An Opportunity in Disguise

Earlier today, my therapist informed me that she is leaving the clinic where we currently meet at the end of this month. While I do feel a bit disappointed, I am trying to look at the situation logically. I'll have to wear a brave face if I want to consider my options fairly.

I have several treatment options, but they basically boil down into two categories: continuing treatment at the clinic where I receive services (either in town or in a nearby city), or getting treated outside of my current mental health services provider.

If I leave my current provider, it may be more difficult for me to get medication issues resolved, especially in the midst of a crisis. Leaving would mean that I could keep working with my current therapist, but her private practice cannot give the same level of support as the clinic. Staying with this clinic will mean that I have to break in a new therapist, and I will probably have to travel more for my sessions (only one other clinician is accepted by my insurance at the current location, and I already had a poor experience with this man before I was transferred to my current therapist).

I haven't decided what to do yet; maybe I will take a break from therapy after this month to give all the possible options due consideration. At least I will be able to meet with my therapist for a few more sessions to help work through this transitional phase. If anything, I may be able to find a therapist who specializes in working with ACOAs and retain their services.

Change is typically a source of high anxiety for me, perhaps because change in my life has usually been the result of decisions made my others, not me. I seldom actively seek change for my own life. Maybe I can use this transition as an opportunity to work on my objectivity and change the thought patterns that often equate change with irrational fears.

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