About eleven years ago (or so), I was first diagnosed with major depressive disorder. Although I struggled with depression even as a child (I was frequently pulled aside to talk to school counselors), it wasn't until after attempting suicide the first time that any labels were attached to my emotional problems.
To those who know me, even in passing, it probably comes as no surprise that I suffer from MDD. More often than not, my outlook is rather pessimistic (but realistic, I might say) and I have certainly driven some valued friendships to an early grave with my whining, complaining, and general neediness. After years of feeling confused by what I believed were contradictory messages from my friends, I finally realize that "normal" or "functional" people don't want to hear about misery and depression.
Unfortunately, in my case anyway, feeling deeply depressed and anxious makes me want to discuss those feelings. Therefore, I decided to start a new blog featuring depression and anxiety as the central topics so that there would be a forum for those thoughts and feelings so I desperately need to express. Hopefully, some of the posts I write here will be helpful to others with similar problems. Additionally, I believe this blog may buttress my struggle by giving me an ongoing project (which will help prolong the fight, I expect).